Extensive Substrate
FLL compliant
Our Extensive range of substrates are fully tested to FLL requirements.
We use a various grades (2/5mm, 5/10mm and 5/15mm) of crushed brick in our Extensive Roof Substrate blends. Since the recent revival of house building (especially in the South-East of the country) reclaimed bricks have been harder to come by as brick works have aimed to reduce the amount of wastage. We have always maintained that crushed brick is the most effective base media for creating an Extensive roof system due to its dual ability in retaining moisture and maintaining its lightweight element. We blend to order using either of our grades of crushed brick, along with 10mm PAS100 green compost or composted bark (most commonly used when creating a wildflower area). We have implemented our Extensive Roof Substrates extensively across the London sky line as well as schemes across the South-East of the country.