01797 252 299
Grass & Fertiliser
e16 Embankment + Clover

e16 Embankment + Clover

Same mix as e16 Embankment but with added clover for impoverish soil conditions.


Rapid establishment with soil stabilising but with the added benefit of including Clover to take nitrogen from the air and put it back in the soil for areas of poor soil quality.


icon-technical-document-alt-normal-text e16 EMBANKMENT + C...
e03 Universal turf
  • Fine Apperance
  • Durable
  • Fast Germination
e13 Coastal Areas
  • Salt Tolerent
  • Drought Tolerent
  • Coastal Areas
e12 Rapid Repair
  • Rapid Growth
  • Low Temperature
  • Hard Wearing
e14 Airfield
  • Deterring Birds
  • Long Grass
  • Stiff Growth