01797 252 299
Planting Loams

At our various blending facilities we have the ability to tailor our soils and loams to any customer requirements. Our standard mixes are traditional blended with a mix of loam, sand and PAS100 compost, however we also make our own John Innes range, as well as having access to peat, coir, barks, aggregates and fertilisers that help us to match your requirement.

Horticultural Blends Bespoke Blends
  • Raised Planters
  • Allotments
  • Hanging Baskets
  • Nursery Growing
John Innes No1, No2 or No3
  • Nursery Growing
  • Raised Planters
  • Hanging Baskets
  • Potting
TS1 Plus Topsoil Planting Loam
  • Raised Planters
  • Border Planting
  • Added Compost
  • BS3882 Certified
Treesands Urban Tree Planting
Building Aggregates