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Pathway Materials

Binding gravels

We have a full range of binding aggregates and shingles to help improve the look of your drive or pathway. If your budget is tight then we have a couple of low cost options that you won't be able to source anywhere else due to our unique production processes. Again these can all come in bulk bags, 25kg bags or full loose loads (up to 29 tonne).

Breedon Golden Amber 0-12mm Self Binding
  • Pathways
  • Sandringham
  • Car Parks
  • Golf Courses
  • Mulching
  • Pathways
  • Decorative
  • Green Roofs
Coxwell Path Gravel 0-30mm Self Binding
  • Pathways
  • Parks
  • Golf Courses
  • Gardens
Deansett Gravel aka Redgra
  • 0-6mm
  • Pathways
  • Long Jump
  • Golf Course
Gold Path 0-10mm
  • Pathways
  • Carparks
  • Nature Trails
  • Golf Course
Hardwood Path Chip 10-30mm
  • Pathways
  • Parks & Trails
  • Golf Course
  • FSC Certified
Hoggin <50mm
  • Pathways
  • Semi Permeable
  • Sub base
  • Variable
SuDS Materials
Subsoils BS8601:2013